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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Oh, the stories I would tell . . .

If I had time, o, the stories I would tell . . .

Of an amounting pile of work,

Of obligations too numerous to name,

Of classes with Prof. Oil&Gas and how, when he looks at you, shivers run down your spine.

If I had time, o, the stories I would tell . . .

Of the in-Laws visit and home-made pizza (from scratch),

Of a car that finally died and the one that replaced it,

Of forgetting my families names and not knowing their voices.

If I had time, o, the stories I would tell . . .

I think I have a friend who just started Law School, but I'm not sure . . .

I think I may still be married, but I'm not sure . . .

I think it is still summer outside (it is, isn't it? I mean, its still August, right?), but i'm not sure . . .

If I had time, o, the stories I would tell . . .

I know I have the introduction due on Friday to a "comment" which should be 80 pages that looks like it will end up at 160 pages but right now it seems impossible that I will ever write even one page of it.

And, amidst all of this, I have had to choose which potential employers I want my resume sent to . . . determining the direction of the rest of my life . . . with but a cursory glance at who they are, what they have to offer and whether they might want me.

If I had time, o, the stories I would tell . . .

It would bore the hell out of you all,

But I'm having fun, nonetheless.


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