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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The '80s and Oil&Gas

Question: What do the 1980's and Oil & Gas Law have in common?

Answer: Besides being the decade of the last big oil boom in the United States, nothing . . . that I can think of.

But attempting to study for Oil & Gas while listening to the Dixie Cups Iko Iko or the Stray Cats Stray Cat Strut or, even better, the Violent Femmes Blister in the Sun . . .

Well, it makes the studying for this subject all the more exciting--

Except, of course, that I've stumbled through Stewart v. Armerada Hess Corp twice now and am still not sure who leased which mineral rights to who that then assigned those rights to someone else, of whom I am also unsure.

Maybe I should take the headphones off . . .

O, now that'll have to wait until Money for Nothing is over. I can't miss this killer guitar riff, maaaaaaan.


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